Al-Sultan Mohamed Uzbeq Khan az nasreh ("Sultan Mohamed Uzbeq Khan, may he be" famed by his victories") in Arabic, countermark "Khan" in the middle / Kalima within a circle, Zarb al-Mahrus Qarm fi saneh asroon va siamayyeh ("struck in Mahrus Qarm in the year 720" (=1321 AD)) in Arabic in the circular margin, tamgha. 17mm, 0.99 grams. Mint of Mahrus Qarm. Sagdeeva #189.
After the death of Khan Uzbeq, the Qarm mint was shut down until 782 AH (1380 AD). Coins of Uzbeq remained in circulation , but were countermarked to validate them.
Sultan Mohammed Öz-Beg, better known as Uzbeg or Ozbeg (1282-1341, reign 1313-1341), was the longest-reigning khan of the Golden Horde, under whose rule the state reached its zenith. He was succeeded by his son Jani Beg.He was the son of Toghrilcha and grandson of Mengu-Timur, who had been khan of the Golden Horde from 1267-1280. According to Rashid-al-Din Hamadani (1247-1318), Genghis Khan's eldest son, Jochi, had 14 sons. When he died, they inherited their father's dominions as fiefs under the rule of their brothers, Batu Khan, as supreme and Orda Khan as elder. Orda with some of his younger brothers constituted the eastern wing of the Jochid Ulus (Golden Horde) while Batu and others ruled the western part of it. Those Hordes are known as "White", "Blue" and "Gray" (Shaybanids) Horde in Slavid and Persian historiography. Two main division are also known as Batu's Ulus (district) and Orda's Ulus.