Lion standing left within a double dotted border / Within a circle of dots, three-line Devanagari legend: Jai / ta si de / va, sun and moon flanking the letter on the third line. 14mm, 4.14 grams. Deyell 366; cf. Mitchiner 696-700.
This type has been incorrectly attributed by Mitchiner to the Pallava king Narasimha (see MNI 696), who misread the reverse legend and ignored the fact that stylistically, these coins belong to the 13th century and not the earlier medieval period. These coins are quite rare.
According to the Rajput bards, Chauhan is one of the four Agnikula or 'fire sprung' clans, deriving their origin from a sacrificial fire-pit (agnikunda) at Mount Abu to fight against the Asuras or demons. Chauhan is also one of the 36 ruling races of the Rajputs. Agnikula origin was perpetuated by later manuscripts of Raso from the 16th century onwards. James tod was of the view that Chauhans were the most valiant of the Agnikulas. According a number of scholars Chauhans were originally Gurjaras and Chauhan was prominent clan of the Gujjars (or Gurjars).