Bust of Rudrasimha right with collar showing, wearing a satrapal cap, date in Brahmi numerals behind bust (off flan), corrupt Greek inscription / Crescent on a hill over a wavy line, crescent in the left field and sun in the right field, Brahmi inscription RaJna MaHaKsaTraPaSa SvaMi SaTyaSiHaPuTraSa RaJna MaHaKsaTraPaSa SvaMi RuDraSiHaSa. 16mm, 2.08 grams. The Silver coinage of the Western Satraps in India", A.Fishman, #38.1; Rajgor "The Studies in the Coinage of the Western Kshatraps" #899 var.
This is the earliest type of Rudrasimha III, issued only in ca.307-309 SE (385-387 AD). This is an extremely rare type, continuing the earlier type of Rudrasena III.