Diademed bust of king right, Greek legend around: BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ / ZΩIΛOY (Basileos Soteros Zoilou ... of King Zoilos, the saviour) // Seen from behind, Athena Alkidemos standing left, holding aegis on outstretched left arm, hurling thunderbolt with right hand, monograms left and right, Kharoshthi legend around: maharajasa tratarasa / jhoilasa. 16mm, 2.26 grams. Reference: MIG 459l, Bop 1Y
Zoilus II (also spelled Zoilos) did not rule in Taxila or most of western Punjab, which was in the hands of the Indo- Scythians. So his kingdom must have been confined to a small area in more eastern parts of Punjab and the Jammu area. This type is probably from Jammu, based on the style.