BAΣIΛEΩΣ BAΣIΛEΩN MEΓAΛOY AZOY, in Greek, Humped bull standing right, monogram above bull / Maharajasa Rajadirajasa Mahatasa Ayasa in Kharoshti, Lion standing right; Kharoshti monogram Sasi above. 27mm, 13.31 grams. Taxila Sirsukh mint. Whitehead 264; Mitchener 2373ff; Senior type ISCH 102; Sear: -.
Azes II (reigned circa 35-12 BCE), may have been the last Indo-Scythian king in northern India. After the death of Azes II, the rule of the Indo-Scythians in northwestern India finally crumbled with the conquest of the Kushans, one of the five tribes of the Yuezhi who had lived in Bactria for more than a century, and who were then expanding into India to create a Kushan Empire.