Winged head of Medusa right with serpents in hair / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY above and beneath bull butting right; ΣI between hind legs. 14mm, 3.23 grams. Sardis mint. Houghton SC 6.1; Newell, WSM, 1357; SNG Spaer, 67; BMC 65.
Winged head of Medusa right with serpents in hair / BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣEΛEYKOY above and beneath bull butting right; ΣI between hind legs. 14mm, 3.23 grams. Sardis mint. Houghton SC 6.1; Newell, WSM, 1357; SNG Spaer, 67; BMC 65.